Since founding Faria in 2006, we have immersed ourselves in building solutions to improve learning & teaching, admissions and school-to-home. Systems integration has been a universal challenge facing all international schools. After fifteen years, we are excited...
SchoolsBuddy offers a complete School-to-Home management system for all kinds of functions across your school. Using one or more SchoolsBuddy modules within a school creates a dedicated portal on the web or via mobile apps, where every parent goes for details about...
As schools have been using our Transport & Dismissal module for a few months, it is clear that SchoolsBuddy is leading the way in a number of areas, particularly saving time when making changes. School Transport Lists – DYNAMIC UPDATES By far the most talked...
It was our privilege to serve your school during the challenging year of 2020. With your collaboration and feedback, we have been able to continue supporting schools around the world with new features and services to help adapt to the new normal. Product Updates 2020...
We have reached December, the last month of a year like no other. From the very beginning, everything changed, and we all faced very different challenges both professionally and personally, the like of which we had never experienced before. It’s been a crazy year, but...
Is parent engagement an ongoing battle at your school? “I didn’t see that email….” Sound familiar? It’s more important than ever to make sure your parents are engaged with your school communications and can easily find and see information relevant to them. It’s easy...