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Using SchoolsBuddy as a complete Primary School portal

Product Features | October 16, 2020
If you find yourself juggling a series of different software platforms and apps within your school, causing your admin team to access multiple websites every day and your parents to moan that they can’t find the information they need – perhaps its time to...

Solving Common Online School Payments Problems

Product Features | September 30, 2020
Think of all the times you needed to collect online school payments for trips, sports kit, club fees, music lessons, transport… With so many school payments being made, wouldn’t it be easier if everything went through a single system, whether it is a cash, cheque or...

School Trips & Online Parent Consent: A Better Way

Product Features | May 27, 2020
School Trips and Online Parent Consent: A Better Way. It may feel like a few light-years away, but we are all looking forward to schools getting back to near normal for the new academic year. It’s important to plan ahead and remember that before COVID-19, there were...