Did you know that SchoolsBuddy provides online payment solutions for hundreds of schools across the World?

We offer parent payments in your local currency with local payment partners including Payfort, AsiaPay and Braintree (offering PayPal) meaning that we can provide online payment services in Europe, the Middle East, APAC and North America.

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We process any type of payments within our system, such as fees for school trips, activities and clubs, music lessons, sports kit, one-off events and tuition fee billing (coming soon).

With so many payments being made, and within the framework of a ‘new normal’, wouldn’t it be easier if all payments were both contactless and within a single system that can also handle your ECA/CCA/ASA requirements, trip & sports organisation, and even parent communications?

International School Software | Activities Management, Payments & More | SchoolsBuddyParents love SchoolsBuddy because everything is in one place, even for multiple children, making it so much easier to see activities, events and monies due to the school. Payments can be made online and credits can be received into their SchoolsBuddy wallet when changes occur.


Cashless Payments in Schools | School Payment System | SchoolsBuddyFinance teams love SchoolsBuddy because they can link payments with events and activities, charge single, one-off fees or multiple children within groups single or multiple charges. Reconciliation is much easier and our built in finance reports help analyse data.



 Our most popular reports include:

  • Finance Dashboard – See an overview summary of fees throughout the school
  • School Trip Reports – Find payment information for a trip organised in SB
  • CCA/ECA Overview – View all the fees charged and balances outstanding
  • Finance Summary by student – Check outstanding fees for a particular student
  • Cash Position – See the balances of students, offset by their credit wallet balances

Read more about our online payments module

SchoolsBuddy understands that all schools are different, which is why we are a modular system that can be adapted to your school’s requirements. We would love to show you how, so why not schedule a demonstration to find out more?