Create teams, request parent consent, take registers and even report the match
Organising sports in schools can be a mammoth task. With so many activities, teams and matches, it can be tricky for PE teachers, athletic directors and sports coaches to keep on top of it all. SchoolsBuddy sports organisation software, however, can make all this so much easier in one handy mobile and web solution. Here are some of the ways in which it can take the stress out of organising sports in schools…
Team Selection
Wave goodbye to paper letters, text messages, and verbally reminding pupils and parents to confirm attendance for a sports team or match. This is because SchoolsBuddy can request availability, or simply just select team members in just a few clicks. This either sends invites via push notifications, or simply populates the diaries of those involved – this can include staff too!
Consent & Fees
Parents can quickly and easily consent to a child’s attendance at a sports event, and if there’s any fee to pay, then this can be automatically dealt with without much input from the organiser at all. A cost is allocated, which is visible to parents and pupils, that can be paid via parents on our simple SchoolsBuddy payments system.
Diary Population
Once the event is confirmed, it’s diarised for everyone concerned; including parents and pupils. Not only this, but a date, time and location are included, with the location opening in Apple or Google maps so away games and tournaments can be easily found by parents.
Making sure everyone is present and correct, as well as flagging if there’s anyone absent is vitally important at any school lesson, trip or event. From the lists created in the previous two features, registers will be created automatically by SchoolsBuddy, ready to be taken on the day on a mobile device. IOS handsets store emergency information for each pupil, so if a child is marked absent, the details are there to get in touch with the relevant people to locate them and determine any medical information. Providing there is 3G or 4G signal, absentee alerts are pushed to the relevant people immediately, including the school office, via push notifications.
Scores, reports and statistics can all be recorded via SchoolsBuddy and therefore available for staff, parents and pupils to view after the match. All this can be done on the move, while the event is still fresh in your mind.
Travel Alerts
SchoolsBuddy even prevents the queue of anxious parents at the school gates when transport arrives back from a fixture late; travel alerts can be sent from the software straight to parents via mobile push notifications to let them know if there will be a delay in getting home. This saves time and resources; a message would usually have to be sent to the office (often when the office is closed) to then be relayed to parents. SchoolsBuddy negates this process and sets minds at rest.
Organising sports in schools is made a whole lot easier with the implementation of SchoolsBuddy, and schools around the world are seeing the benefits of our clever, consolidation system. Request a demo to find out how yours could join them.