Activities Management
SchoolsBuddy helps organise activity programmes from sign up, to allocation, communication and management with an intelligent preference based system.

Save time, paper & headaches with SchoolsBuddy’s Activities Management software.
Complex and varied after school club and ECA programmes can be quickly and easily set up within SchoolsBuddy, with preference based sign ups and auto-allocation in seconds. Once allocated, our activities management software auto-fills student and parent calendars with their activities and attendance registers are auto-generated for staff to record attendance.
Key Features
Parents can quickly sign up to after school clubs using daily preferences.
Enrichment programmes can be administered with sign up and allocation.
Parents can pay for club or activity fees through SchoolsBuddy.
Communicate with the whole school or just a group based on their club or activity.
The parent and student diary will be auto-filled with the activities allocated to them.
Manual allocations are available to ensure children are accepted into particular activities.
Activities Management Features
Preference based – Intelligent allocation system allocates based on preference
First come first served – Allocation based on order of selection also supported
Join requests – Allow students to request to join groups mid-term
Attendance & reporting – Record attendance for activities and track with advanced reporting
Make changes – Re-submission of selections is possible (optional)
Cap numbers – Maximum/minimum places per activity
Flexible – Parents and/or pupils (age dependent) can select and confirm
Block dates – Generation of club events are skipped for blocked dates
Pre-select – Option to manually pre-select groups (eg. elite/representative sports teams)
Copy groups – Set up repeat programs in minutes
SchoolsBuddy’s activities management software can allocate your whole school’s after school club / ECA programme, no matter how complex, in under 30 seconds with a single click. We handle preference based allocations, first come first served, over-subscription options and manual allocations. Our payments module will allow parents to pay online for chargeable clubs.
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